home tips tutorial

Sunday, November 28, 2010


man complicated?

I had a friend that I know since college
She my bestfriend..
One day she introduce me his boyfriend
Totally I'm argue her choice
because I know she deserve get better one
But she still with him til break
After break-off she change BF
Now 2010 she couple with someone
that I think really not suit with her
I meet her new bf end of 2009
ahhh totally I am shock with her choice this time
oMg! what she tries to do?
Girl please wake up! he just using u
should I call stupid? oh she my friend
seriously I don't know what advice I should gave
She never listen~
house that guy rent and car his bought use her name
and that guy always talk about break-off with her
so I told her  "your Bf just play around"
and she reply "no his not and we are gonna married soon"
til now I can't see that
MAN alway make a promise
make a girl melt with them
then they will leave you
If his really appreciate , care, love, honest with you they never do like this
alway make you sad,dissapointed,angry,argue with you
but his bf now totally complicated
even she with her GFF he become jealousy
even with me HER BFF. come on
we not a child . think mature
that why I say man complicated
don't you think so?because we never know what they want
really poor with her
I prayer that she will meet a nice guy in her life
I love you so much BFF~
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010



It is true when people say if we have a money we gain the power , if we have a power we gain the money.
so close :) ..... hey nowaday it MONEY ! even going toilet need MONEY.. ish so don't say money not important.. quite hardest to be rich-bilionair it really need sacrifices on time,self,everything... important thing is work hardest but I guess it not really helpful maybe it was about luck or fortune....

                                             money oh money
big house
                                                   oh my car ? :)
my jet :)
                                                             my yacth

desire :) when had a money yach.. only god know what will happend to us. we never know the future but need to work for get all of this :) *wink* ... oh my god is it dream will come true? hope so even not billionair but atleast get a lot of money for taking a long life journey~  hihi it not base on materialistic but truly when you have a lot of money your desire everything that never stop but don't forget people who need help erkkkkkkk.............. ~ I LOVE MONEY huhu but MONEY doesn't love ME........ so with running some project hope shoot the big target for all even not same with dream ~~
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Meaning Of the color

  • BLUE
Blue is the overwhelming "favorite color." Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed.
The color of sky and the ocean, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives.
As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming; however not all blues are serene and sedate

How the color blue affects us physically and mentally
* Calming and sedate
* Cooling
* Aids intuition

Green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye and is second only to blue as a favorite color.
Green is the pervasive color in the natural world that is an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing it everywhere.
The natural greens, from forest to lime, are seen as tranquil and refreshing, with a natural balance of cool and warm (blue and yellow) undertones.

Green is considered the color of peace and ecology.

How the color green affects us physically and mentally
* Soothing
* Relaxing mentally as well as physically
* Helps alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety
* Offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony

Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future.
Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts.

How the color yellow affects us mentally and physically
* Mentally stimulating
* Stimulates the nervous system
* Activates memory
* Encourages communication

Orange, a close relative of red, sparks more controversy than any other hue.
There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors

How the color orange affects us mentally and physically
* Stimulates activity
* Stimulates appetite
* Encourages socialization

  • RED
Red has more personal associations than any other color.
Recognized as a stimulant red is inherently exciting and the amount of red is directly related to the level of energy perceived
How the color red affects us mentally and physically
* Increases enthusiasm
* Stimulates energy
* Encourages action and confidence
* A sense of protection from fears and anxiety

Purple embodies the balance of red simulation and blue calm.
This dichotomy can cause unrest or uneasiness unless the undertone is clearly defined at which point the purple takes on the characteristics of its undertone.
A sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types and is the favorite color of adolescent girls.

How the color purple affects us mentally and physically
* Uplifting
* Calming to mind and nerves
* Offers a sense of spirituality
* Encourages creativity

Brown says stability, reliability, and approachability. It is the color of our earth and is associated with all things natural or organic.

How the color brown affects us physically and mentally
* Feeling of wholesomeness
* Stability
* Connection with the earth
* Offers a sense orderliness
White projects purity, cleanliness, and neutrality.

How the color white affects us mentally and physically
* aids mental clarity
* encourages us to clear clutter or obstacles
* evokes purification of thoughts or actions
* enables fresh beginnings

  • GREY
Gray is timeless, practical, and solid. A longstanding favorite suit color, gray can mix well with any color

How the color gray affects us physically and mentally
* unsettling
* expectant

Black is authoritative and powerful; because black can evoke strong emotions too much can be overwhelming.

How the color black affects us physically and mentally
* feeling inconspicuous
* a restful emptiness
* mysterious evoking a sense of potential and possibility.

So which one your favorite color? Mine ? of coz PURPLE ~ purple-licious. Love that color ~~ :)
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Monday, November 15, 2010


HaLLOween VolkWagen Party

Malam mencari hantu :)
baru sekarang ada masa mahu meng'update' gambar2 waktu melewati batas halloween :)
actually we're not celebrate but just watching 'ghost-ly'
Halloween  @ Samhain ? Tidak digalakkan di sambut oleh orang beragama islam ~~~~~
                                                                   me , pirate , bestfriend
                                                                         me and cinta
                                                                           my man :)
                                                                        me with lil'witches
                                                                    good all night
They really fun

That night really fun cause jumpa mereka yang berpakai pelik......
Malam penuh bunga api dan juga GREAT music :)
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Friday, September 3, 2010


Special People in my life

My Life really simple.Look happy but not really.My parent is like other parent very conservatif even does living in town.Their open minded but in certain thing their very particular.However I love them cause their really important to me.Below this my three special people in my life. X) perfect day with them. thank papa , mama , cinta cause alway on my side.Papa really hardworking find money for us. Higher maintenance babe. Mama save money for us X) emergency case hihi. Cinta find money for married. It's too 'gedix'? hihi .. okay enough about them :)
Lovely dad *who alway care me*

my lovely mum *who bear me*

my love *special man in m mylife*

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Thursday, September 2, 2010


Top Colleges & Universities in Malaysia | University Web Rankings

Top Colleges & Universities in Malaysia University Web Rankings

click that link. X) so you can see your uni ranking.
mine not in list ~
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tips avoid accidents

Here are some tips to follow to avoid accidents:
1.make sure all equipment on the vehicle are functioning properly before starting the journey. Get advice from an experienced car mechanic on the car. if any devices are not functioning properly, replace with new.

2.make sure brakes, oil, brake and brake lights are in good condition. An inspection of the brake system is vital to ensure your vehicle can be stopped well in case of emergency.

3.make sure all the wheels of your car works well and can be used, including spare tires. Check the tires and wind flowers in your tires.

4.make sure main lights, traffic lights and electrical wiring system of your car works properly.

5.check mirror wiper (wiper) car tone. If the surface of the wiper is not able to apply water in a glass mirror, replace with new.

6.make sure clutch oil, water radiator, horn, exhaust, water, battery, fan belt, water tanks, pipelines, oil level and safety belts are in good condition and safe to use.

7.dont driving fast and racing. Adjust your speed according to weather, traffic, driving style, and the sight of your car.

8.always comply with all rules and signs for road safety.

9.avoid from doing other activities such as using a phone while driving and smoking because your concentration can be affected. focus your attention entirely on driving on the road.

10.if you feel tired and sleepy while driving. you should stop to rest. Do not proceed if you are in this because it may harm your trip.

11.Jika you want to turn to the left and right or stop, show your intention to use the correct signal. Make sure you use your car lights to sebarng action.

12.beware is at a crossroads.

13.Amalkan courtesy to other road users. Do not by your feelings and emotions.

14.you need to plan your trip in advance, plan routes and the provision of your travel time to avoid the rush when you are driving.
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shamelin bestari kondo a.k.a kondem !!

cheap condo but too many drama. stay there almost 4year. rent only rm900 a month but need to pay own electricity + water + indah water + if damages need pay by own. if cut from rental is ok but pay by own. totally suck. with lift always stuck and other facalities ~ hurm swimming pool not best and also gym really suck limit stuff!! caferia non-halal.. salon? pergh  will get ugly hair style!! i hate to cut or wash my hair at that salon!! the shop which sell miscellaneous it really expensive. better go to nsk or tesco r!!! I think the agent 'makan duit' huh!! seriously !! if a month almost 1k ++
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terima kasih cinta

bulan depan genap setahun
moga tuhan permudahkan perhubungan kami
kadangkala takut juga untuk bercinta
tapi sesungguhnya dia menyakinkan
terima kasih cinta

world cup fever
his holland and I'm spain
good time :)

Selalu keluar bersama cinta sambil di temani oleh teman-teman jarang dating berdua :)
hihi macam tak percaya kan ? tapi itulah kenyataanya berdating pun nak berteman lebih seronok keluar ramai-ramai kan? if berdua je pasti bosan hihi u tengok i,i tengok u hihi :) but the way i really fun when out with cinta.. thanks cinta u make me smile n happy with u :)

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checking time ~


Sekarang zaman dah maju.Kita boleh check bill kita di hujung jari pun.Sejak awal tahun dah guna senang check bill semasa :) tanpa bersusah payah tunggu bill sampai. Nak bayar pun senang. Bertapa mudah nya kerja kita kan?Tapi jangan lah pula ada yang salah guna kan :) So click saja pada link di atas. Cuba lihat dah berapa lama anda tidak bayar bill kan :) ~~~
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Takut kah kita?

Sekarang makin takut bila membaca surat khabar atau tonton berita.
Semakin menjadi-jadi kes bunuh,pembuangan bayi,kes dera.
Semakin kelihatan juga tanda-tanda kecil kiamat.

Tanda-tanda kecil kiamat
  • Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis
  • Zina bermaharajalela
  • Pemimpin yang terdiri dari orang yang jahil dan fasik
  • Bermaharajalela alat muzik
  • Menghias masjid dan membanggakannya
  • Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan kerabat dan hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik
  • Ramai orang menuntut ilmu kerana pangkat dan kedudukan
  • Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia
  • Orang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat
  • Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja
  • Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang
  • Bulan sabit kelihatan besar
  • Banyak dusta dan tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita
  • Banyak saksi palsu dan menyimpan kesaksian yang benar
  • Negara Arab menjadi padang rumput dan sungai
  • Banyaknya sifat bohong dan ia menjadi perkata biasa
  • Jarak-jarak antara pasar menjadi dekat (menunjukkan banyaknya kegiatan perdagangan)
  • Manusia mewarnai rambut di kepalanya dengan warna hitam supaya kelihatan muda
  • Kekayaan umum dikuasai segelintir orang tanpa kebenaran dan tanpa rasa takut, termasuk rasuah dan mengambil harta secara tersembunyi.
  • Akan terdapat banya pengkritik, pembawa-cerita, penikam-belakang dan pengejek dalam masyarakat.
  • Orang akan mendirikan hubungan dengan orang tak dikenali dan memutuskan hubungan dengan yang rapat dan disayangi.
  • Orang akan melakukan homoseksual.
  • Akan terdapat ramai anak luar nikah
  • Berkurangnya sifat amanah
  • Terasa berat untuk menjalankan syariah (zakat dijadikan hutang)
  •  Lelaki mentaati isterinya tetapi menderhakai ibunya
  • Lelaki berkasar dengan bapanya tetapi beramah dengan rakannya
  • Suara manusia meninggi (menjerit dan berteriak) di masjid-masjid
  • Pemimpin suatu kaum adalah keji dan pemimpin suatu suku adalah fasik
  • Lelaki dihormati bukan kerana budi dan kebaikan tetapi kerana takut akan kejahatannya
  • Anggota polis semakin ramai yang menunjukkan semakin banyak kerosakan
  • Mendahulukan lelaki menjadi imam bukan kerana ilmu tetapi kerana suara..
  • Penjualan jawatan atau kepemimpinan (politik wang)
  • Memandang rendah kepada darah
  • Seorang isteri bekerja dalam satu syarikat dengan suaminya. (Malah isteri berpangkat lebih besar)
  • Munculnya gaya hidup mewah dan manja di kalangan umat Islam
  • Orang fasik dimuliakan sedangkan orang mulia dan terhormat direndahkan
  • Banyak orang berharap untuk mati kerana banyaknya kekacauan ataupun kesengsaraan
  • Banyaknya berlaku gempa bumi
  • Banyaknya berlaku huru-hara yang menyebarkan kejahatan
  • Banyaknya berlaku pergaduhan dan pembunuhan
  • Munculnya mati mendadak atau mati secara tiba-tiba
  • Masjid dijadikan jalan iaitu seseorang muslim melalui masjid tanpa melakukan solat

Terlalu banyak rupa nya tanda-tanda kecil itu telah berlaku,kita tidak sedari atau buat tidak tahu?
Saya bukan lah pandai tentang soal ini tapi sedih bila membaca surat khabar tentang bayi yang di buang.
Sampai begitu sekali gejala sosial melanda.Walaupun negara telah merdeka selama 53tahun tapi belum sepenuh merdeka.Kerana masih di pengaruhi oleh anasir luar dan gejala negatif.Bukan berlagak baik cuma sedih kesian kat bayi tersebut.Pandai buat tapi tak pandai jaga!!
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